The following list provides an explanation of system errors -299 to -5553.
DISCUSSION Note: Items listed in [brackets] are old result code meanings. Note: ???? This information wasn't available. Notification Manager Error -299 nmTypErr Invalid qTypeÐmust be ORD(nmType) Start Manager Errors -290 smSDMInitErr SDM could not be initialized. -291 smSRTInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. -292 smPRAMInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. -293 smPriInitErr Cards could not be initialized. -300 smEmptySlot No card in slot -301 smCRCFail CRC check failed for declaration data -302 smFormatErr FHeader Format is not Apple's -303 smRevisionErr Wrong revison level -304 smNoDir Directory offset is Nil -305 smLWTstBad Long Word test field <> $5A932BC7. -306 smNosInfoArray No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error. -307 smResrvErr Fatal reserved error. Reserved field <> 0. -308 smUnExBusErr Unexpected Bus Error -309 smBLFieldBad ByteLanes field was bad. -310 smFHBlockRdErr Error occured during _sGetFHeader. -311 smFHBlkDispErr Error occured during _sDisposePtr (Dispose of FHeader block). -312 smDisposePErr _DisposePointer error -313 smNoBoardsRsrc No Board sResource. -314 smGetPRErr Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus). -315 smNoBoardId No Board Id. -316 smIntStatVErr The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init. -317 smIntTblVErr An error occured while trying to initialize the Slot Resource Table. -318 smNoJmpTbl SDM jump table could not be created. -319 smBadBoardId BoardId was wrong, re-init the PRAM record. -320 smBusErrTO BusError time out. -330 smBadRefId Reference Id not found in list -331 smBadsList Bad sResource [sList] structure: Id1<Id2<Id3 ╔ format is not followed. -332 smReservedErr Reserved field not zero -333 smCodeRevErr Code revision is wrong -334 smCPUErr Code revision is wrong -335 smsPointerNil LPointer is nil {From sOffsetData. If this error occurs, check sInfo rec for more information.} -336 smNilsBlockErr Nil sBlock error {Don't allocate and try to use a nil sBlock} -337 smSlotOOBErr Slot out of bounds error -338 smSelOOBErr Selector out of bounds error; function not implemented -339 smNewPErr _NewPtr error -340 smBlkMoveErr _BlockMove error -341 smCkStatusErr Status of slot = fail. -342 smGetDrvrNamErr Error occured during _sGetDrvrName. -343 smDisDrvrNamErr Error occured during _sDisDrvrName. -344 smNoMoresRsrcs No more sResources *OR* -344 smNoMoresResources Specified sResource data structure not found -345 smsGetDrvrErr Error occurred during _sGetDriver. -346 smBadsPtrErr Bad pointer was passed to sCaldSPointer function -347 smByteLanesErr ByteLanes field in card's format block was determined to be zero -348 smOffsetErr Offset was too big (temporary, should be fixed) -349 smNoGoodOpens No opens were successfull in the loop. -350 smSRTOvrFlErr SRT over flow. -351 smRecNotFnd Record not found in the SRT. Device Manager Slot Support Errors -360 slotNumErr invalid slot # error -400 gcrOnMFMErr gcr format on high density media error Edition Manager Errors -450 editionMgrInitErr Manager not initialized or could not load package -451 badSectionErr Not a valid section type -452 notRegisteredSectionErr Not registered -454 badSubPartErr Bad edition container spec or invalid edition container -460 multiplePublisherWrn Already is a publisher -461 containerNotFoundWrn Alias was not resolved -463 notThePublisherWrn Not the publisher SCSI Manager Errors -470 scsiBadPBErr invalid field(s) in the parameter block -471 scsiOverrunErr attempted to transfer too many bytes -472 scsiTransferErr write flag conflicts with data transfer phase -473 scsiBusTOErr bus error during transfer -474 scsiSelectTOErr scsiSelTO exceeded (selection failed) -475 scsiTimeOutErr scsiReqTO exceeded -476 scsiBusResetErr the bus was reset, so your request was aborted -477 scsiBadStatus non-zero (not "Good") status returned -478 scsiNoStatusErr device did not go through a status phase -479 scsiLinkFailErr linked command never executed -489 scsiUnimpVctErr unimplemented routine was called SysErrs used instead of inline $A9FF & $ABFF -490 userBreak user debugger break -491 strUserBreak user debugger break - display string on stack -492 exUserBreak user debugger break - execute commands on stack QuickDraw Error -500 rgnTooBigErr Bitmap would convert into a region greater than 64 KB Text Edit Error -501 teScrapSizeErr scrap item too big for text edit record O/S Error -502 hwParamrErr bad selector for _HWPriv Processes Errors -600 procNotFound No eligible process with specified process serial number -601 memFragErr Not enough room to launch application w ith special requirements -602 appModeErr Memory mode is 32-bit, but application is not 32-bit clean -603 protocolErr app made module calls in improper order -604 hardwareConfigErr hardware configuration not correct for call -605 appMemFullErr Partition size specified in 'SIZE' resource is not big enough for launch -606 appIsDaemon Application is background-only -607 bufferIsSmall Buffer is too small -608 noOutstandingHLE No outstanding high-level event -609 connectionInvalid Connection is invalid -610 noUserInteractionAllowed Attempted PostHighLevelEvent from background and no session yet established Memory Dispatch Errors -620 notEnoughMemoryErr Insufficient physical memory -621 notHeldErr Specified range of memory is not held -622 cannotMakeContiguousErr Cannot make specified range contiguous -623 notLockedErr Specified range of memory is not locked -624 interruptsMaskedErr Called with interrupts masked -625 cannotDeferErr Unable to defer additional user functions DatabaseAccess (Pack 13) Errors -800 rcDBNull The data item was NULL -801 rcDBValue Data available or successfully retrieved -802 rcDBError Error executing function -803 rcDBBadType Next data item not of requested data type -804 rcDBBreak Function timed out -805 rcDBExec Query currently executing -806 reDBBadSessID Session ID is invalid -807 rcDBBadSessNum Invalid session number -808 rcDBBadDDEV Couldn't find the specified database extension, or error occurred in opening database extension -809 rcDBAsyncNotSupp The database extension does not support asynchronous calls -810 rcDBBadAsyncPB Invalid parameter block specified -811 rcDBNoHandler There is no handler for this data type installed for the current application -812 rcDBWrongVersion Wrong version number -813 rcDBPackNotInited The InitDBPack function has not yet been called Help Manager Errors -850 hmHelpDisabled Help balloons are not enabled -851 hmResNotFound ???? -852 hmMemFullErr ???? -853 hmBalloonAborted Because of constant cursor movement, the help balloon wasn't displayed -854 hmSameAsLastBalloon Menu and item are same as previous menu and item -855 hmHelpManagerNotInited Help menu not set up -856 hmBadSelector ???? -857 hmSkippedBalloon No ballon content to fill in -858 hmWrongVersion Wrong version of Help Manager resource -859 hmUnknownHelpType Help message record contained a bad type -860 hmCouldNotLoadPackage ???? -861 hmOperationUnsupported Bad method parameter -862 hmNoBalloonUp No balloon showing -863 hmCloseViewActive User using CloseView won't let you remove balloon AppleTalk Ð PPC Toolbox Errors -900 notInitErr PPC Toolbox has not been initialized yet -902 nameTypeErr Invalid or inappropriate locationKindSelector in location name -903 noPortErr Invalid port name; Unable to open port or bad port reference number -904 noGlobalsErr System unable to allocate memory, critical error -905 localOnlyErr Network activity is currently disabled -906 destPortErr Port does not exist at destination -907 sessTableErr PPC Toolbox is unable to create a session -908 noSessionErr Invalid session reference number -909 badReqErr Bad parameter or invalid state for this operation -910 portNameExistsErr Another port is already open with this name -911 noUserNameErr User name unknown on destination machine -912 userRejectErr Destination rejected the session request -915 noResponseErr Unable to contact application -916 portClosedErr The port was closed -917 sessClosedErr The session has closed -919 badPortNameErr PPC port record is invalid -922 noDefaultUserErr User has not specified owner name in Sharing Setup control panel -923 notLoggedInErr Default user reference number does not yet exist -924 noUserRefErr Unable to create a new user reference number -925 networkErr An error has occurred in the network -926 noInformErr PPCStart failed because target application did not have an inform pending -927 authFailErr User's password is wrong -928 noUserRecErr Invalid user reference number -930 badServiceMethodErr Service method is other than ppcServiceRealTime -931 badLocNameErr Location name is invalid -932 guestNotAllowedErr Destination port requires authentication AppleTalk - NBP Errors -1024 nbpBuffOvr Buffer overflow in LookupName -1025 nbpNoConfirm Name not confirmed on ConfirmName -1026 nbpConfDiff Name confirmed at different socket -1027 nbpDuplicate Duplicate name exists already -1028 nbpNotFound Name not found on remove -1029 nbpNISErr Error trying to open the NIS ASP Errors (XPP driver) -1066 aspBadVersNum Server cannot support this ASP version -1067 aspBufTooSmall Buffer too small -1068 aspNoMoreSess No more sessions on server -1069 aspNoServers No servers at that address -1070 aspParamErr Parameter error -1071 aspServerBusy Server cannot open another session -1072 aspSessClosed Session closed -1073 aspSizeErr Command block too big -1074 aspTooMany Too many clients (server error) -1075 aspNoAck No ack on attention request (server err) AppleTalk - ATP Errors -1096 reqFailed Request to contact router failed: retry count exceeded -1097 tooManyReqs Too many concurrent requests -1098 tooManySkts Too many concurrent responding-sockets -1099 badATPSkt Bad ATP-responding socket -1100 badBuffNum Bad response buffer number specififed -1101 noRelErr No release received -1102 cbNotFound Control Block not found; no pending asynchronous calls -1103 noSendResp AddResponse issued without SendResponse -1104 noDataArea No data area for request to MPP -1105 reqAborted ERdCancel function called for this ERead [SendRequest aborted by RelTCB] Data Stream Protocol - DSP driver Errors -1273 errOpenDenied Open request denied by recipient -1274 errDSPQueueSize Send or receive queue is too small -1275 errFwdReset Read terminated by forward reset -1276 errAttention Attention message too long -1277 errOpening Attempt to open connection failed -1278 errState Bad connection state for this operation -1279 errAborted Request aborted by dspRemove or dspClose function -1280 errRefNum Bad connection reference number HFS Errors -1300 fidNotFound File ID not found [No file thread exists] -1301 fidExists File id already exists -1302 notAFileErr Specified file is a directory -1303 diffVolErr Files on different volumes -1304 catChangedErr Catalog has changed and CatPosition may be invalid -1305 desktopDamagedErr The desktop database has become corrupted Ð the Finder will fix this, but if your application is not running with the Finder, use DTReset or DTDelete AppleEvent Errors -1700 errAECoercionFail Data could not be coerced to the requested descriptor type -1701 errAEDescNotFound Descriptor record was not found -1702 errAECorruptData Data in an Apple event could not be read -1703 errAEWrongDataType Wrong descriptor type -1704 errAENotAEDesc Not a valid descriptor record -1705 errAEBadListItem Operation involving a list item failed -1706 errAENewerVersion Need a newer version of the Apple Event Manager -1707 errAENotAppleEvent Event is not an Apple event -1708 errAEEventNotHandled Event wasn't handled by an Apple event handler -1709 errAEReplyNotValid AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply -1710 errAEUnknownSendMode Invalid sending mode was passed -1711 errAEWaitCanceled User canceled out of wait loop for reply or reciept -1712 errAETimeout Apple event timed out -1713 errAENoUserInteraction No user interaction allowed -1714 errAENotASpecialFunction Wrong keyword for a special function -1715 errAEParamMissed Handler did not get all required paramters -1716 errAEUnknownAddressType Unknown Apple event address type -1717 errAEHandlerNotFound No handler found for an Apple event or a coersion -1718 errAEReplyNotArrived Reply has not yet arrived -1719 errAEIllegalIndex Not a valid list index AppleTalk - ATP Errors -3101 buf2SmallErr Packet too large for buffer; partial data returned -3102 noMPPErr No MPP error -3103 ckSumErr Check sum error -3104 extractErr Extraction error -3105 readQErr Read queue error -3106 atpLenErr ATP length error -3107 atpBadRsp ATP bad response error -3108 recNotFnd Record not found -3109 sktClosedErr Socket closed error Print Manager w/LaserWriter -4096 ??? No free Connect Control Blocks available -4097 ??? Bad connection reference number -4098 ??? Request already active -4099 ??? Write request too big -4100 ??? Connection just closed -4101 ??? Printer not found, or closed File Manager Extensions Errors -5000 accessDenied Incorrect access for this file/folder -5006 DenyConflict Permission/Deny mode conflicts with the current mode in which this fork is already open -5015 NoMoreLocks Byte range locking failure from Server -5020 RangeNotLocked Attempt to unlock an already unlocked range -5021 RangeOverlap Attempt to lock some of an already locked range AFP Errors (XPP driver) -5000 afpAccessDenied AFP Access denied -5001 afpAuthContinue AFP Authorization continue -5002 afpBadUAM AFP Bad UAM -5003 afpBadVersNum AFP Bad version number -5004 afpBitmapErr AFP Bit map error -5005 afpCantMove AFP Can't move error -5006 afpDenyConflict AFP Deny conflict -5007 afpDirNotEmpty AFP Dir not empty -5008 afpDiskFull AFP Disk full -5009 afpEofError AFP End-of-File error -5010 afpFileBusy AFP File busy -5011 afpFlatVo AFP Flat volume -5012 afpItemNotFound AFP Information not found -5013 afpLockErr AFP Lock error -5014 afpMiscErr AFP Misc error -5015 afpNoMoreLocks AFP No more locks -5016 afpNoServer AFP No server -5017 afpObjectExists AFP Object already exists -5018 afpObjectNotFound AFP Object not found -5019 afpParmErr AFP Parm error -5020 afpRangeNotLocked AFP Range not locked -5021 afpRangeOverlap AFP Range overlap -5022 afpSessClosed AFP Session closed -5023 afpUserNotAuth AFP User not authorized -5024 afpCallNotSupported AFP Call not supported -5025 afpObjectTypeErr AFP Object type error -5026 afpTooManyFilesOpen AFP Too many files open -5027 afpServerGoingDown AFP Server going down -5028 afpCantRename AFP Can't rename -5029 afpDirNotFound AFP Directory not found -5030 afpIconTypeError Size of new icon and one it replaces don't match -5031 afpVolLocked Volume is Read-Only -5032 afpObjectLocked The specified command could not be completed because the object is locked. -5033 afpContainsSharedErr The specified share point contains a share point. -5034 afpIDNotFound The specified ID could not be found. -5035 afpIDExists The specified ID already exists. -5036 afpDiffVolErr Equivalent to the Mac OS error code. -5037 afpCatalogChanged The catalog has changed and CatPosition may be invalid. No matches were returned. -5038 afpSameObjectErr EEquivalent to the Mac OS error code. -5039 afpBadIDErr The specified ID is invalid. -5040 afpPwdSameErr The new password is the same as the old password. -5041 afpPwdTooShortErr The specified password is too short. -5042 afpPwdExpiredErr The password has expired. -5043 afpInsideSharedErr The specified directory is inside a share point. -5044 afpInsideTrashErr The specified directory is in the Trash. -5045 afpPwdNeedsChangeErr The password needs to be changed the first time the user logs on. -5046 afpPwdPolicyErr The specified password violates a UAM's policy. -5047 afpAlreadyLoggedOn The specified user is already logged on. SysEnvirons Errors -5500 envNotPresent SysEnvirons trap not present--returned by glue. -5501 envBadVers Version non-positive -5502 envVersTooBig Version bigger than call can handle Gestalt Errors -5550 gestaltUnknownErr Could not obtain the response -5551 gestaltUndefSelectorErr Undefined selector -5552 gestaltDupSelectorErr Selector already exists -5553 gestaltLocationErr Function not in system heap |
Document Information | |
Product Area: | Mac OS System Software |
Category: | General OS |
Sub Category: | General Topics |
Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.