LisaTerminal: Specifications (Discontinued)
Article ID:


    I. LisaTerminal: A6D0300 (Discontinued)

    --Includes: LisaCalc, LisaDraw, LisaGraph, LisaWrite, LisaList,
    LisaProject and the Lisa Office System.

    Available from Sun Remarketing,
    P. O. Box 4059, Logan, Utah 84321
    (801) 752-76311


    1. Terminals Emulated:

    A. VT100/VT52
    B. TTY
    C. 3278 (when used with Apple Cluster Controller or AppleLine)

    2. Maximum Size:

    A. Document: 1500 lines (approx. 20 pages)
    B. Copy and Paste limit: 10 pages

    3. Transmission Speed (baud):

    A. Serial Ports A or B: 50, 75, 110, 134.5, 150, 200, 300, 600,
    1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600
    B. Serial Port B: 3600, 19200

    4. Set-up Options:

    A. Parity: Even, odd or none
    B. Full- or half-duplex transmission
    C. Xon/Xoff
    D. Manual or automatic dialing (supported on Apple 300 or 1200 and
    Hayes-compatible modems)
    E. Auto-repeat on/off
    F. Auto-new line on/off
    G. Wraparound on/off
    H. Answer-back message on/off
    I. Margin bell
    J. On-line/local
    K. Serial Port A or B

    5. Page Layout Options:

    A. Cursor: Block or bar shape
    B. Background: White or black
    C. 80 or 132 columns
    D. Status lights on/off
    E. Characters: Upper- and lowercase
    F. Tabs and rulers

    6. Terminal Control:

    A. Function keys (such as RETURN, TAB, ESC)
    B. Cursor control codes (such as NUL, ENQ, FF, DEL)
    C. Supports all VT100 and VT52 function codes
    D. Special graphic character codes

    7. Special Features:

    A. Supports communication while you use other Office System documents
    B. Cut and Paste text from and to other Lisa applications
    C. Dialog boxes and forms simplify the steps in configuring the program
    to communicate with other terminals.
    D. Save data with the Record Lines Off Top option; scroll back through
    the data (not available in 3278 mode)

    8. Documentation: Reference Guide

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