ImageWriter LQ: Description (Discontinued)
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    The ImageWriter LQ is a 27-pin wide-carriage dot-matrix printer that can
    produce black-and-white or color output in three different levels of print
    quality. The three printer qualities are draft, near letter quality (NLQ),
    and letter quality (LQ).

    Optional accessories are a sheet feeder (which can have up to three
    paper bins) and the AppleTalk card.

    To choose line feed, form feed, printer select, and printer quality, there
    are external switches similar to those on the ImageWriter II.

    The power outlet and mini-circular-8 RS-422 port (pinouts identical to the
    ImageWriter II) are on the back of the printer. Three sets of eight DIP
    switches on the logic board are used to select baud rate, character set,
    handshaking mode, etc.

    There are three ways to feed paper through the ImageWriter LQ: friction feed,
    pull tractor feed, or push tractor feed. Continuous tractor feed paper can be
    fed through the back of the printer, using either push or pull tractor feed,
    or paper can be fed from the bottom of the printer and pulled through by
    tractors behind the platen. The pull tractor option will help correct the
    problem seen in the push tractor mode of the ImageWriter II which jammed
    paper against the printer head and paper bale. The ImageWriter LQ has two
    paper sensors: an optical sensor is used when paper is fed from the back of
    the printer, and a mechanical sensor is active when bottom paper feed is used.

    While the printer has a 5K print buffer, it can accept a larger buffer either
    on the logic board or on an option card. However, neither larger buffer is
    available from Apple at this time.

    Wherever possible, the ImageWriter LQ firmware accepts the same commands as
    the ImageWriter and ImageWriter II. For example, "Escape E" instructs the
    ImageWriter LQ to use elite type size, just as it does on the ImageWriter II.
    Other commands for characters, graphics, and color remain the same, and there
    is still support for half-height text, superscripts, subscripts, and vertical
    and horizontal platen and printer head movement. Additional printer commands
    support the multiple-bin sheet feeder and high-resolution printing. The
    ImageWriter LQ does not support downloadable character sets or MouseText,
    so those commands have been removed.

    ImageWriter LQ firmware contains font definitions in various qualities. Draft
    printing can be done in any available ImageWriter LQ size, including both
    proportional and non-proportional fonts. Near Letter Quality can also be
    obtained in all sizes, either proportional or non-proportional. If Letter
    Quality is chosen, the firmware must also be instructed to use one of the two
    proportional fonts, since Letter Quality cannot be printed in a
    non-proportional size. AppleWorks users must be sure to select "P1" or "P2" as
    the character size when using Letter Quality on an ImageWriter LQ; otherwise,
    the printer will use Near Letter Quality and its non-proportional font instead.

    ImageWriter II graphic modes are referred to as "standard-resolution graphics"
    on the ImageWriter LQ. The LQ can print at 72 dpi (dots per inch) in one
    pass of the printer head, and at 144 dpi in two passes. A third graphics
    mode, "high-resolution graphics," is accomplished in one pass using 24 pins,
    and results in 216 dpi both horizontally and vertically. 216 dpi is the maximum
    vertical dot resolution, although the printer may achieve up to 320 dpi

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