MacDraw Pro: Translating Documents to IGES or DXF
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    Claris Graphics Translator 1.1 (CGT), does not translate to or from MacDraw Pro. To translate a file from MacDraw Pro into IGES or DXF format, follow these steps:

    1. Open the drawing in MacDraw Pro.
    2. In the Save As dialog box, choose MacDraw II 1.1 as the file type from the pop-up menu.
    3. Open the MacDraw II 1.1 file in CGT, then translate to IGES or DXF as usual.

    TIP: When you save the MacDraw Pro file in MacDraw II format, the color fill and pen patterns will be converted to the eight QuickDraw colors supported by MacDraw II. Therefore, to ensure accurate translation of the document, use only the standard eight QuickDraw colors. You can find these colors in the Style bar.

    To translate IGES and DXF files to MacDraw Pro, translate them into MacDraw II format in CGT. Then, open the MacDraw II file in MacDraw Pro.

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