MacDraw Pro: RAM Requirements Affected By Window Size
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    In MacDraw II, the RAM required to load a file into RAM is dependent on (among other things) the screen size. In MacDraw Pro, the RAM required is dependent on the size of the document window and the screen resolution. In other words, if you make the document window smaller, you'll need less RAM to operate the file. This can be useful if you're running low on memory, because you can make more memory available by shrinking the document window(s).

    To see the effect of window size, try the following steps.
    1) Open a blank file in MacDraw Pro
    2) Select About MacDraw Pro from the Apple menu. Notice the amount of RAM used by the blank file. Close the About box.
    3) Shrink the window of the blank document.
    4) Select About MacDraw Pro from the Apple menu again. Notice the amount of RAM used by the blank file is less.

    TIP: If you're trying to open a document with the Open command, but are getting "not enough memory" messages, try this:

    1- Open a new blank document.
    2- Shrink the window size to the minimum.

    3- Use the Place File command to place the file you want into the blank document.

    When a file is opened with the Open command, MacDraw Pro attempts to open the file in full-screen window (this includes all translated files). Using the Place File command to place the image into a small document window requires less memory. Remember, though, that the Place File command only places the objects from the file; it does not bring with it the layers, palettes, or menu settings of the placed file.

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