This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.
DISCUSSION Q: When I print from MacDraw Pro, ClarisDraw or ClarisImpact, the printed color does not match the screen color. A. MacDraw, ClarisDraw and ClarisImpact do, in fact, output correct color information to the printer and screen. However, both monitors and printers vary greatly in the way that they output color. All monitors and printers output color with some degree of inaccuracy. In addition, no monitor or printer can reproduce the entire color spectrum, so there will be colors that can be viewed that can't be printed accurately, and vice versa. This is a issue that affects all color software. However, there are some things that you can do to improve the predictability of your color output. 1) Use Colorsync. This is a Control Panel by Apple that makes the colors on your screen display more accurately. Apple includes Colorsync settings for all Apple monitors. Many third party monitor manufacturers have Colorsync support files for their monitors as well. 2) Use a screen calibrator. Several companies sell screen calibrators that can improve the accuracy of color display. 3) Print a test page with color samples. Then choose the colors for your document based on this color output. If you're using different color printers for proofs and final output, remember to use a test print from the final output as your reference. |
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