MacDraw Pro: Text Grayed Out at Low Zoom Levels
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    This information was provided by Claris Corporation on 16 March 1998, and incorporated into Apple Computer's Tech Info Library.


    With MacDraw Pro 1.5 a new preference was added in order to provide faster text handling at lower zoom levels (25 or 50%). This preference allows text to be replaced by a gray pattern when a font size threshold is achieved. This preference is new to MacDraw Pro 1.5 and does not occur with MacDraw Pro 1.0.

    The preset setting for this preference (Greek text) is 6 points. So for example 12 point text when viewed at 50% would normally be displayed as 6 point text. As a result, in MacDraw Pro 1.5 the text would be displayed as a gray rectangle.

    Since this is a preference, you can change the point size at which the text display will change. Continuing with our example, setting the Greek Text preference to 5 points or less would allow the 12 point font to display as letters.

    To change this preference:
      1. Select Preferences from the Layout menu.
      2. Click on the Display panel icon
      3. Change the point size at which Greek text is set.

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