Mac OS: Energy Saver Troubleshooting
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    This article discusses various troubleshooting steps used to resolve the following Energy Saver control panel issues:

      1. The computer goes to sleep but it does not wake up when a key is pressed.
      2. The computer does not go to sleep at the time specified in the Energy Saver control panel.


    The Energy Saver control panel utilizes settings saved in files on the hard disk. Energy Saver settings are not stored in the Parameter RAM (PRAM) on the logic board but certain PRAM values, including AppleTalk, may affect its performance. If a PRAM value or related preference file becomes invalid it may cause various Energy Saver setting issues.

    1. The computer goes to sleep but it does not wake up when a key is pressed.

    The following steps may help resolve this issue:

    Step 1
    Determine if there is a waking from sleep issue and that the Energy Saver control panel is involved.
    - Put the computer to sleep by choosing Sleep from the Special menu.
    - Let the computer sleep for at least ten seconds or until the hard disk stops spinning, then press a key to wake it up.
    - Repeat this test a few times.
    - If the computer wakes normally, check for other software issues. The Energy Saver feature is functioning properly.

    Step 2
    - Test the hard disk using Disk First Aid and repair any issue it finds. Try running Disk First Aid a second or third time. Sometimes repeating the process resolves the situation.
    - Use another disk repair or recovery program. Sometimes another program helps recover a corrupted disk.

    Step 3
    Check the hard disk for an ATA driver or a SCSI driver issue. Some possibilities:
    - The hard disk's SCSI driver or ATA driver is not system 7.x or Mac OS compatible.
    - The hard disk's SCSI driver or ATA driver is damaged. Update the driver with the latest version of Drive Setup as described in article 24585: " Hard Disk Driver: Identifying It And Ensuring Compatibility " A third-party hard disk should use current third-party formatting software.

    Note: Update the hard disk driver first before testing with a different System Folder. If the hard disk driver has been updated, and the computer still does not wake from Sleep when started up from a CD, this could indicate the problem is due to a hardware issue.

    Step 4
    Older third party software including applications, extensions, and control panels should be updated. Consult the vendor of the software for updates.

    Step 5
    - Remove (put in Trash) the Energy Saver Preferences and Finder Preferences file.
    - Restart the computer.

    Step 6
    Reset the Parameter RAM:
    - Shut down the computer.
    - Start up the computer and immediately press Option-Command-P-R (four keyboard keys, all pressed together) keeping them pressed until the computer startup chime repeats at least once after the initial chime.

    Step 7
    Install the Apple recommended software updates specific to your computer and version of Mac OS. Search by your computer model or Mac OS version in the Apple Software Updates site: http://asu.info.apple.com/ .

    Step 8
    If appropriate to the computer, install 2/3/4/6 GB Firmware Utility on the SCSI hard disk. Review Article 30239: " 2/3/4/6 GB Firmware Utility: Read Me " for more information.

    Step 9
    If none of the preceding steps help, the system software may be corrupt. Perform a clean installation of the Mac OS appropriate for your computer. There are a number of clean installation articles, depending upon which version of the Mac OS system software you are running. Search the Knowledge Base using "clean installation" as your search query to select the article appropriate for your situation.

    Step 10
    If none of the preceding software steps help, there may be a hardware issue affecting the computer. Remove any extra hardware that may have been recently installed including RAM and retest. If the issue continues, take the computer to an Apple-authorized service provider or contact Apple support to arrange service.

    2) The computer does not go to sleep at the time specified in the Energy Saver control panel.

    Check the following, which can block sleep:

    • The Energy Saver control panel "Put the system to sleep whenever it's inactive for" option is set to Never.
    • The serial driver is open and active. Serial modem software will monitor the modem for activity.
    • When AppleTalk is active the computer may not go to sleep. Check the Chooser.
    • File sharing or web sharing is enabled requiring AppleTalk be active.
    • An internal modem's auto-answer is on. Turn it off.
    • Some third-party applications keep the CPU busy, not allowing idle processor time for sleep to occur. Note which applications are running when the issue occurs.
    • If you have an Apple help file window open the computer will not go to sleep.

    For related information, review the following articles:
    Article 22051: " Energy Saver Control Panel: Theory of Operation "
    Article 17310: " Energy Saver Won't Work w/All Power Macintosh Models "
    Article 18633: " Energy Saver Control Panel: Sleep and Power Management "
    Article 20181: " Energy Saver Modes: Different Sleep Modes Explained "
    Article 34505: " Mac OS 8.1: Energy Saver & Shut Down Time Discrepancy "
    Article 20179: " Energy Saver Control Panel: Preferences not in PRAM "
    Article 25048: " Mac OS: Do Not Remove Multiprocessing Folder "

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics

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