About QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1 Update
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    This article comprises the Read Me for QuickTime Streaming Server Update version 1.0.1. This software was released by Apple on 07 July 1999 and is available for downloading from the Apple Software Updates Web site. Use the following URL to access the download directly:


    The QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) provides stored and live multimedia streaming services to clients that support QuickTime 4.0. This update release will update the QuickTime Streaming Server Preview or QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0 to 1.0.1.

    Any Power Macintosh computer or Macintosh Server with a G3 microprocessor running Mac OS X Server 1.0-1. The recommended configuration is a minimum of 64MB of RAM. For heavily used servers, Apple recommends 512 MB of RAM with 350 MHz or higher processor speed, 3 Ultra-wide SCSI drives. High bit rate movies require an Ethernet card w/DEC chip driver.

    Important: Please read all of the contents of this Read Me prior to installing the software. It is very important to first install the Mac OS X Server 1.0-1 update prior to installing the QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1 software. For further information, refer to installation instructions for both in Tech Info Library:

    Article 59004: " Mac OS X Server: Patch and QTSS Download Instructions ."


    • Introduction
    • What's New with QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1
    • Installation and Documentation
    • Requirements for Running QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1
    • Support
    • Open Source
    • Notes About QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1


    QuickTime Streaming Server provides stored and live multimedia streaming services to QuickTime 4 clients. QuickTime Streaming Server on Mac OS X Server can serve hundreds of stored files concurrently to more than 1,000 users, and can reflect live broadcasts to more than 1,000 QuickTime 4 users.

    QuickTime Streaming Server supports a wide range of media bandwidths, from 28.8 kilobits per second modem users to 1.5 megabits per second high-bandwidth media streaming. With QuickTime Streaming Server, it is also easy to manage and monitor the streaming server with a simple administration application.

    To view QuickTime streaming media, you need the QuickTime 4 client, or a later version of QuickTime client software. To obtain the latest QuickTime client software, see the QuickTime Web site at http://www.apple.com/quicktime/ .

    What's New with QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1

    The QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1 Update provides a few new features, bug fixes, as well as localized versions of the Server product. This update will upgrade previous versions of QuickTime Streaming Server software to version 1.0.1. The new features are described here.

    Automatic Video Quality Adjustment
    When a client reports packet loss, the server will automatically scale back the video stream, gradually reducing the amount of data being sent.

    Multiple Port Support
    The QuickTime Streaming Server can now be configured to accept connections on any number of ports.

    Installation and Documentation

    You must first have the Mac OS X Server software installed on your machine. Once the Mac OS X Server software is installed, you need to install the latest Mac OS X Server patch available at http://www.apple.com/support/ . Then you can use the QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1 Update Installer application, provided with this package, to install the QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1 update. This updater package will update the QuickTime Streaming Server Preview (provided with the Mac OS X Server software) as well as the QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0 Update.

    Once the installation is successful, open the QuickTimeStreamingAdmin application via Apple Menu Items, Server Administration. Refer to the Server Administration Help, located via /System/Documentation/Help/ServerAdministrationHelp.help, that is provided with the Mac OS X Server software for instructions on adding hinted movies to the Movie Folder, starting and stopping the QuickTime Streaming Server, and general instructions on using the QuickTime Streaming Server administration application. Movies must be hinted before adding them to the Movie Folder. For hinting instructions, please refer to the web site location of http://www.apple.com/quicktime/authoring/tutorials.html .

    Requirements for Running QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1
    • The QuickTime Streaming Server requires the use of Mac OS X Server. Mac OS X Server is supported on any Power Macintosh G3 or Macintosh G3 Server. The iMac and the PowerBook G3 are not supported as servers.
    • Recommended configuration: Minimum of 64MB of RAM. For servers under heavy load, Apple recommends 512MB of RAM with 350MHz or higher processor speed, 3 Ultra-wide SCSI drives and an Ethernet card w/DEC chip driver.


    Web Sites
    Check the Apple Support Web site at www.apple.com/support, the Mac OS X Server support web site at http://www.info.apple.com/support/macosxserver/ and the QuickTime Streaming Server product site at http://www.apple.com/macosx/server/qtstreaming.html for tips, solutions to problems, or any patches that may become available after the release of the software.

    QuickTime Streaming Server Mailing List

    To receive information about QuickTime Streaming Server updates, join the QuickTime Streaming server public mailing list. By joining the list, you can share experiences, questions, and comments with others using the software. Apple employees may monitor these lists, but Apple does not guarantee that questions sent to this list will be answered. For more information about joining the mailing list, see the Apple mailing lists Web site at http://www.lists.apple.com/ .

    Open Source

    The Darwin Streaming Server, which is the complete Open Source for the QuickTime Streaming Server, is server technology which allows you to send streaming QuickTime data to clients across the Internet using the industry standard RTP and RTSP protocols.. For information about the Darwin Streaming Server project, go to http://www.publicsource.apple.com/ .

    Notes About QuickTime Streaming Server 1.0.1
    • When you hint a movie using the QuickTime Player, it is highly recommended that you enable the "Optimize Hints For Server" checkbox in the Optons dialog if you need to serve the movie to a large number of clients.
    • If you have problems streaming a particular movie, try re-hinting the movie with the "Optimize Hints For Server" option enabled.
    • On a Mac OS computer, do not use MacIP as the TCP connection method for client computers that are playing QuickTime Streaming media. To change the connection method, open the TCP control panel and choose the method you want to use from the "Connect via" pop-up menu.
    • If your client computers are behind firewalls, users may find it easier to connect to the server by including 7070 as an explicit port number in the URL (for example, rtsp://myserver.my.com:7070/mymovie). (By default the rtsp_port is set to 554.) Administrators need to enable port 7070 by changing the NetInfo database by adding an additional value of 7070 to "/services/QuickTimeStreamingServer/rtsp.port" in the NetInfo Manager application. If these changes are made while the QuickTime Streaming Server is running, the server must be restarted before these changes will take effect.
    • The version of QuickTime Player provided on your Mac OS X Server computer does not support some new formats, so you may be unable to view some QuickTime media using this version of QuickTime Player.
    • When broadcasting more than one movie using the Reflector functionality of QuickTime Streaming Server, ensure that the incoming streams are using different UDP ports. If you attempt to broadcast more than one reflected stream on the same UDP port, you will receive a -3285 error on the QuickTime Player client computer.
    • The maximum number of simultaneous multicasts you can receive on any one of the interfaces on the 4-port card is 13; however you can have up to 30 simultaneous multicasts on the on-board Ethernet.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS X Server
Sub Category: QuickTime Streaming

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.